Colton Dixon

Colton Dixon (born on October 19, 1991) is an American singer from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He placed seventh on the eleventh season of American Idol. 

Colton Dixon turns personal truths, stories, and experiences into universal anthems. As if projecting a diary on the big screen, he candidly shares his journey, life, and faith aloud in his music, opening up a conversation over a soundtrack of stadium-size pop with just the right amount of rock bombast. Amplifying his introspective songwriting through powerhouse delivery, he’s quietly asserted himself as a vital voice beloved by fans worldwide. Tallying streams in the hundreds of millions, selling out shows, and appearing on major television programs, he captivates once again on his 2023 EP, Canvas. 

By sharing himself, Colton ultimately makes a human statement. 

“I hope to write music that challenges your thinking,” he concludes. “I’d love to give you some tools in the form of songs to say, ‘If you’re in a dark season, it’s going to be okay, because tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, a blank canvas.  When you press play, I hope that you leave feeling refreshed, encouraged, and inspired.’” 

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