Calls for the Recall of the Ontario Legislature Amid Greenbelt Land Swap

Premier Doug Ford says his government will review the Greenbelt land swaps at the centre of a controversy that has calls for the legislature to resume sitting.

Ford said Tuesday that a ”non-partisan facilitator” will review all 15 sites that were picked to be removed from the protected Greenbelt, making way for 50-thousand new homes. The province removed 7,400 acres of land and replaced it with 9,500 acres elsewhere.

Both the integrity commissioner and auditor general found the process to select the land was hurried, flawed, and favoured certain developers. 

Housing Minister Steve Clark resigned on Labour Day, leading to Premier Ford announcing a small cabinet shuffle later in the afternoon.

Taking over in Housing is Paul Calandra, who leaves Long-Term Care in the hands of Stan Cho.

Prabmeet Sarkaria is the new Transport Minister as Caroline Mulroney moves on to become president of the Treasury Board.

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