City of Vaughn to Consider Prohibiting Protests Within 100M of Places of Worship

The City of Vaughan is considering banning protests within 100 metres of places of worship.

Mayor Steven Del Duca announced this morning that he was bringing forward a Member’s Resolution to Vaughan City Council. If passed, Del Duca says city staff would prepare a bylaw that prohibits unpeaceful demonstrations within 100 metres of certain vulnerable infrastructure, including places of worship, schools, and hospitals.

In a statement, Del Duca said the bylaw would prohibit demonstrations of a nature that “are intended to intimidate insight, hatred, violence, or discrimination within 100 m of a religious institution, school, childcare centre, or hospital.”

Del Duca says the right to peaceful protest is a fundamental freedom afforded to all Canadians, however that right does not come without limits. He says everyone, regardless of their faith or background, has a right to feel safe.



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